Sunday, September 30, 2007

Community Service

The president of the United States of America

What are we fighting for now days it seems to me that Bush has to many personal interests in this war. Look at the facts Bush's Farther went to war Operation Dessert Storm and the first Bush didn't win. So did Bush go in to war to finish what his farther couldn't if that had any thing to do with war then I think my 14 year old sister could run the country better than he is. If you look closely you find all the evidence that says that there was no reason to go to war in the first place. Did you ever here if they found the so call Weapons of Mass Destruction. Come realistily Bush has made many mistakes and I am sorry but if you are going lead are country then you need to think before you act cause he sure doesn't cause we have a lot of issues on our hands that it will take years to fix. We are in debt $8,976,544,727,047.08 the estimated population of the United States is 303,127,272 so if each citizen's share of this debt is $29,613.12. So now the New president in 08 will have to find away to get that debt down and well there is only so many ways you can do that and the first on the list taxes you know they will have raise taxes of some sort. One of the biggest thing that bush has done is the No Child left behind act. It is a good program idea it needs to be modified I am sorry but there are kid out there who has learning disability and you expect them to be at the same level of their class you are joking theirs no way It takes time for disability kids to fully understand and sometimes their cases that it may never fully understand you just have to keep trying to teach them so that they can maybe learn on their own.

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