Thursday, October 11, 2007

Learning profile

This class is a different class then I have ever taken before it grades you on not how you do but how much you put forth your future. It lets explore your possibilities and ways for you to get to your goals accomplish easier or better ways to get things done. I felt that my this class has really place some connections at the my feet and I just have to know to I and every one else can use them. I also felt that this class is a reality check class shows you what you're getting your self into. I don't honestly know but I do feel that when I do things hands on I learn a lot easier then by watching some talking the more interaction going the better I am at learning the subject. I don't have many activities that I know that was good act but I have a lot of theories that I think can get you pretty far. If you are have trouble knowing what you want to be or what am going to do after Butler then I would say to you that if take a piece of paper and you right 5 things you think you would love to do or write 5 things you have done already and enjoyed doing it and then you take that you narrow that down to as many as can through out the year as you are working for you degree. As the year goes on you will find many opptunites that you will think you would like to do but I bet you look at that piece of paper 10 year after you get out of school your job would most likely be on that list you made back here at Butler. This worked for me I did this back when I was in middle school and Physical therapy is on my list now it may not help every one but just make a list and something will pop up for you. Now I have to say that my weakness is taking notes throughout all my classes I have to take notes and well it is very hard me to keep up on taking notes I am not a very good writer and I am not the fastest typer. I feel I wish I could be able to understand things more easier I have trouble sometimes to comprehending things like I would think you be telling me something and I would think of something different. My goal for this class has been to have a plan for my degree on what classes I have to have and ones I don't need to have to graduate and well I accomplish that goal and made some new ones. Felt that this class really showed you what you need to now about your degree. We had made sure we go and talk to an advisor about your schedule. This was the most important to me because your degree is what your be working for everyday of your life I say everyday cause I feel that you never stop learning no matter how high of a degree you may have I still feel that you will always learn and you would most likely learn the most by your own kids. This class had a lot of stuff in it I don't know I would really drop anything but maybe touch up a little more in-depth on things like the academic plan and anything that will be with the student the rest of their lives. For all that end up taking this course well just make sure you don't wait until last min to write this leaning profile there is a lot of info you can put into this as you go along through the 8 weeks just don't get be hid and you will be ok. I would not wait to last min to do things I need to be ahead of the teacher as much as possible meaning just have the things done when they need to be done.

I want to say that this class was different I first thought taking this class was stupid and little of me still thinks that but I do feel that I have accomplished a lot from this class and I would like say that Mrs. Melbourne that she is a very caring teacher or professor what ever they are called but she really cared about everyone of us and that takes character to really care about students who she might not ever see again. Which I felt what may me show up to class every Tuesday and Thursday because I knew I would have some there that really wanted me accomplish my goals.

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